
  • College Station Adopt-A-Street


              Through the City of College Station, there is an Adopt-A-Street service opportunity for members of organizations to come together to keep the city free from litter. The stretch of Texas Avenue spanning from George Bush Drive to University Drive is the section of College Station that AGR is responsible for. We are very proud of the opportunity we have to be responsible for a task as important as cleaning one of the busiest sections of College Station. At least twice per semester, we come together as a fraternity and pick up trash along both sides of the road. The section of Texas Avenue that we are responsible for is along the Eastern face of the University, and due to its orientation in regards to Highway 6, is the first view that most visitors see of our great University. It is an honor to give back to the community we are apart of, as well as the University we hold so dear. We are committed to keeping College Station, and Texas beautiful and do our part to keeping the streets free of litter and debris.


    For questions regarding our philanthropic endeavors please contact [email protected]